“Truly my soul finds rest in God.” Psalm 62:1, NIV
Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28, NIV
Surrender physical burdens and abandon emotional expectations as you begin to live the marvelous journey to rest in God.
Seek to understand, experience and apply God’s extravagant gift of rest, for the body, soul and spirit.
Rebalance your priorities in order to encounter and produce the freedom of rest in every area of your life.
Reawaken and recharge your sense of purpose, joy, peace and wellbeing through the simplicity and purpose of God’s rest.
Reignite and rekindle your personal intimacy with God, as well as with your relationship with significant others.
Receive God’s Biblical principle of rest, which will increase your faith and trust to live out the 4th Commandment.
Selah (in Hebrew, סלה) is a word that appears in the Bible 71 times in Psalms and 3 times in Habakkuk.
The urgency of moving away from the confusion of complex life, breaking up exhausting habits, escaping the demands of ordinary life and finding a secluded place to rest, reflect and renew has always been the dream of many. Decide to take a week off ⚪ experiment and enjoy attending a personal week-long retreat ⚪ revitalize your soul, body and spirit as you connect intimately with God.